Current Rankings of all our Books on - Best Sellers
Every moment our books get bought and the sales ranks for them change. In a friendly competition between books, we have produced a page that allows us to see who is selling the best at any point in time! Super fun, very interesting...

Angel On Board
Watch out for angels watching out for you... Once you're aware, they're everywhere.

Based on a true story. . .This timeless classic has helped to heal many a grieving heart. Watch the angels interact with the characters here in this book and then find them in your own world. Experience laughter and tears simultaneously with Angel On Board - and I promise you, you'll never be the same!

Proactive Disclosure - Strategies To Encourage Contact
Proactive Disclosure - Strategies To Encourage Contact There is another way to get to the truth for all of us, and that's what this book is all about. I call it Proactive Disclosure, where we, the public, take the task of getting to the truth into our own hands. Where thousands of people gain access to evidence beyond a shadow of a doubt showing we are not alone. Where we do not depend on the authorities to honestly come clean with what they do or do not know about UFOs. Where we reach useful disclosure on our own, proactively.

I Have a Secret - Do I Keep It?
How would you like to be able to teach your children which secrets are safe to keep and which are not in one simple lesson - that they will never forget? How would you like a book that teaches children to trust their own instincts about whether they were safe or not? How would you like a book that you could read over and over again, that rhymes, and is fun and will generate good discussions with you and your children? If you would like any of those things, then this unique book is the answer.

How to Investigate UFOs using your Smart Phone: Tools, tips, tricks and cutting-edge UFO investigation techniques
The goal of all UFO/UAP research is to get to the truth. Today, the average UFO/UAP Field Investigator has access to technology and tools way beyond what was imagined as possible just a few short years ago. The book How to Investigate UFO/UAPs using your Smart Phone's intention is to open some eyes to how we can all get to the truth faster, more accurately, and using our own smarts instead of relying on the possibly filtered and controlled information from others.

OpenSCAD Cookbook - OpenSCAD recipes for learning 3D printing
This book teaches Computer-aided (CAD) 3D Design, Modeling and Printing - using Python and OpenSCAD.

OpenSCAD has some great advantages over other software you might choose to use. It's free, runs on Windows, Macs, and Linux machines, has a much shorter learning curve, and it puts you in control of your designs instead of your designs controlling you! Using a fun, recipe-like pattern, this book guides you through simple 3D designs that cover 99% of the operations and techniques used day-to-day with OpenSCAD. You'll be baking and making in no time at all!

Python for 3D Printing
Using Python to enhance the power of OpenSCAD for 3D modeling.

Both Python & OpenSCAD are free software tools that run on Windows, Macs, and Linux machines. The symbiotic use of these two tools enables a MUCH SHORTER LEARNING CURVE than when using the expensive software packages, & it puts you in control of your designs instead of your designs controlling you!

Python for NumWorks
Powerful Python programs and games for the NumWorks handheld calculator

The programs are organized into subject areas to meet varying interests and goals. A set of money calculations helps students grasp personal finance concepts. Another set of programs covers electronics fundamentals. Two and three dimensional analytical geometry programs support today's game creation challenges, and so on. Most everyone will find programs of interest in more than one subject area.

Python for the TI-84
Powerful Python programs and games for the TI-84 handheld calculator.

The programs are organized into subject areas to meet varying interests and goals. A set of money calculations helps students grasp personal finance concepts. Another set of programs covers electronics fundamentals. Two and three dimensional analytical geometry programs support today's game creation challenges, and so on. Most everyone will find programs of interest in more than one subject area.

Python for Casio Calculators
Powerful Python programs and games for the Casio fx-CG50 and fx-9750GIII calculators

Python for Casio Computers is a fascinating read for some of its fun facts - even if you don't want to learn Python, because of the discussion around each program as it is explained and demonstrated. If you know of a student who wants to learn how to program, get them the Casio calculators and get this book as a companion so they can get off to a really fast start into the world of coding!

Python for the TI-Nspire Calculator
Powerful Python programs and games for the TI-Nspire CX II technology calculator

Collection of dozens of real-world Python programs written explicitly for the TI-Nspire calculator. Because of the nature of Python, these programs are short, easy to read, easy to enter into the calculator, and most importantly easy to understand - even for beginners.

Finding Your Fortune
Financial Prosperity is closer than you'd ever imagine - learn how... How do you bridge the gap from your current circumstances to a prosperous position? How do you get from a place of lack to a place where abundance is possible and the path to prosperity is an easy path to follow?

Finding Your Soul Mate
Romance Tips Essential for great sex, true love and lasting intimacy: Romance Tips to let go of the old, and let in that one true love that you have been waiting for all of your life!

How to Manifest a Million Dollars
Wealth and abundance manifestation is all about getting into the right vibration and keeping that vibration high enough for long enough that it makes a significant shift in your circumstances. This workbook is intended to be a fun journey through prosperity where you get to play the part of the millionaire. So take a few deep breaths, and get ready to see how being wealthy personally out-pictures for you.

How to Drive Your Family Crazy: for Fun & Profit
Family dynamics don't change much but the ways to profit from them do! Enjoy a humorous look into dysfunctional family dynamics and how to survive, thrive, control and actually enjoy them. Poetic justice - in theory and in practice!

How To Divorce Your Siblings: practical tools for winning at family dynamics
This book is dedicated to every person out there who has ever had a sibling drive you completely crazy...

eStereograms - 3D Images for your Kindle device
Your Kindle is now 3D! Well, at least it is capable of displaying 3D autostereograms, which look like they're popping out of the page at you.

Sun Position: Astronomical Algorithm in 9 Common Programming Languages
More than ever, solar energy is proving to be a viable, safe, abundant source of renewable energy to help meet today&apo;s energy requirements around the world. At the core of just about all solar energy research, whether for site planning, or real time aiming of the most sophisticated concentrating receivers, heliostats, and photovoltaic tracking systems, is the need to know exactly where the sun is in the sky, at any given time and at any given location on the earth. The intent of this book is to meet that need more efficiently and with better usability than just about any resource available.

Most Popular City Names - City Names, Origins & Meanings
If you love US trivia - here's a fun new way to look at US Cities ' by their names, and what they mean. We put together a book series called "States by the Numbers". To do so, we sifted through over 17,000 cities and found out interesting information about them. That book series lists distances, populations, # of counties, most remote towns, latitude, longitude, numerology, and personality information about those cities - separated out into each state's book (e.g. Colorado by the Numbers, Illinois by the Numbers).

Medical Marijuana: For The Mid-Aged & The Elderly
This book is aimed specifically at our aging population, many of whom grew up in a time when pot was not the popular and available product that it is today.

The Books of Dr. Mamie O. Oliver
Both Speak: Moments with Dr. Mamie and Grams of Healing are available here at: Mamie's Books

Blind Faith
Blind Faith is a romance novel for men, written by a man. Women will love it too... But it is a great story for romance novel guys!

The Life of Charlie Burrell: Breaking the Color Barrier in Classical Music
Charlie Burrell was the first black person to break the color barrier in classical music. Charlie's life story provides insight into the character of a man who spent almost 30 years pursuing his dream but sought neither fame nor fortune. If you love stories of overcoming seemingly insurmountable obstacles, tragedy and triumph, please click on the cover and begin to read Charlie's incredible journey!

Extraordinary Lessons From an Ordinary Life - Simple Insights for a Better Life
Mike Jaroch shares his Extraordinary Life Lessons from his ordinary life of being a son, brother to 12 siblings, businessman, father, grandfather and humanitarian. His insights are simple, to the point and poignant. Anyone desiring some clarity in the direction of their life will enjoy co-pondering these life issues with Mike deep inside these chapters.

The Chronicles of Akala - Trilogy by Robert Cassady
Fractured Allegience
Mind Games & Malice
Betrayal Robert Cassady's science fiction thriller trilogy will take you on an unforgettable thought-provoking adventure...

Author Page
See this video: #1 Essential Tool for authors and content creators - to understand what we mean by an author page and why it will help you succeed as an author! We offer a few versions of this tool, so call and consult with us and we'll help you with your online author persona!

Practical Book Marketing Video Channel
How to Publish Books, e-Books, audio books, videos and more. As a content creator, get some priceless tips from someone that has been in the business for over twenty years! Check out and subscribe to the YouTube channel - free - for amazing stories and tricks of the trade!

Go directly to channel: Practical Book Marketing

Monthly Website Hosting and link to
Secure the domain and host the website that links directly to book or author page on for $15/month.

Publish with Books To Believe In
If you've ever wanted to publish your own book, Books To Believe In can help. First consult with us to see what you still need to do with your book to get it completed and the marketing started, then we'll consult with you about the publishing process and all that it entails. Every book Books to Believe In has ever published has become an Amazon Best-selling book. Let's work together and see what we can do for you and your book!

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